Size Reduction

Tumbling Steel Ball Mills and Ceramic Lined Mills are one of the most precise, reliable and cost effective methods of fine grinding solids in either a wet or dry state. Ball Mills are referred to by many names including Pebble Mills, Tube Mills and Attrition Mills, but no matter what the nomenclature they all operate on the same efficient principle. A horizontal cylinder is rotated at a predetermined speed that sets the balls into a tumbling and cascading motion which impact the solids in a very predictable and controllable fashion. Because the process takes several hours, the particles will not only be finely milled, but will exhibit a narrow particle size distribution. Tumble Milling is efficient and puts more energy into milling and less into wasted friction which both reduces contamination and eliminates temperatures spikes. For very heat-sensitive products, a cooling jackets can be provided for temperature control. Scale-up of Tumble Mills benefits greatly from the fact that they become more efficient with increasing size. Tumble Mills are designed for each application, taking into consideration all of the solids characteristics and whether the solids will be discharged wet or dry.

Steel Ball Mills

Benefits of Tumble Milling: 1. HIGH EFFICIENCY – Due to the relatively slow rotational speed but large mass of media, more of the energy goes into millin

Ceramic Lined Ball Mills

Benefits of Tumble Milling: HIGH EFFICIENCY – Due to the relatively slow rotational speed but large mass of media, more of the energy goes into milling and less wasted as heat.

Slice Mill™

Slice Mills™ are identical to the Ball Mills and Ceramic Lined Mills in diameter and design The only difference is that they are as little as 12” in length. Since mill diameter dictates performance and mill length only affects capacity, Slice Mills™ are used to develop or test formulations with little concern for scal

Polyurethane Lined Mills

Our polyurethane mills utilize a proprietary casting method using a fabricated steel mold placed in the mill cylinder creating a 1” void on all sides. Deaerated polyurethane is poured in the space between the mold and cylinder

Jar Rolling Mills

ABBE Jar Rolling Mills are designed to support and rotate our steel and ceramic jars individually or several at a time. The smallest bench top model, can handle 1 or 2 jars. The largest jar roller can have as many as four levels or tiers and from two to five rolls per tier. A "League of their Own" - These are not hobby shop tumblers or light weight rollers found in laboratory supply catalogs. ABBE Jar Rolling Mills are heavy

Milling Jars

There are almost as many types and sizes of Abbe Milling Jars as there are applications. Abbe Jars are available in a wide range of sizes and materials. Milling jars are small scale version of the ball mills and are typically used in the laboratory or small scale producti